Sh Ch Allenies Maverick JW ShCM
His principal wins were...
Top Labrador in the UK 2009
Runner up - Contest of Champions 2010
DCC at Crufts 2011 - his retirement show
14 CC's 8 BOB's 16 RCC's JW ShCM
Gundog Group 1 - Belfast 09
Gundog Group 4 - SKC August 09
Gundog Group 2 - SKC May 09
CC - Crufts 11
CC and BIS - WELRC 10
CC and BOB - Driffield 10
CC - City of Bormingham 10
CC - Southern Counties 10
CC and BOB - LKA 09
CC and BOB, Gundog Group 1 - Belfast 09
CC and BOB, Gundog Group 4 - SKC August 09
CC and BOB, Gundog Group 2 - SKC May 09
CC - Manchester 09
CC - Driffield 08
CC and BOB - United Retriever Club 08
CC - Paignton 08
CC and BOB - East Anglian LRC 08
RCC - Midland Counites 10
RCC - Kent, Surrey and Sussex LRC 10
RCC - Driffield 2009
RCC - Yellow Labrador Club 2009
RCC - Paignton 09
RCC - Kent, Surrey and Sussex LRC 09
RCC - Labrador Club of Scotland 08
RCC - Birmingham National 08
RCC - East of England 08
RCC - Yellow Labrador Club 08
RCC - Belfast 08
RCC - LKA 08
RCC - Gundog Society of Wales 07
RCC - SKC - August 06