Sh Ch Bardonhill Please
Don't Tease Quensha JW

Born 9 November 2011
DNA Test PRA (rcd-1) Hereditarily Clear
DNA Test PRA (rcd-4) Hereditarily Clear
CLAD Hereditarily Clear
In 2011 we approached Marita Bott for a bitch puppy from her lovely Madge - Bardonhill Days are Diamond - to whom Richard had awarded a RCC as a youngster. A few months later Paige joined the team and surpassed our hopes and expectations. She passed over the rainbow bridge in January 2022.
and Joint Top CC winning bitch in 2016
She is currently the winner of 21 CC's and 11 RCC's
CC Boston 2021
CC and BOB - SWKA 2018
CC and BIS - ISAE 2018
CC and BOB - WKC 2017
CC and BOB - National Gundog 2017
CC and BOB - Leeds 2017
CC - Border Union
CC and BOB - Three Counties 2017
CC - Irish Setter Club of Scotland 2017
CC - NEISC 2016
CC - SWKA -2016
CC and RBIS - ISAE 2016
CC and BOB - Driffield 2016
CC and BOB - Richmond 2016
CC - Leeds 2016
CC and BOB - GBAS 2015
CC and BOB - WKC 2015
CC - Belfast 2015
CC, BOB and Group 3 - National Gundog 2015
CC and RBIS - Joint Irish Setter show 2015
CC - SKC (May) 2015
RCC - Setter and Pointer 2017, RCC - Paignton 2017 - RCC - Birmingham National
RCC - Crufts 2017 - RCC Boston 2017, RCC - Darlington 2016. RCC - Midland Counties 2016
RCC - Driffield 2015, RCC - Paignton 2015
RCC and RBIS - ISBC 2015, RCC - Three Counties 2015
Top Irish Setter Puppy bitch and Joint Top Puppy 2012